793.94/2482: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 5—10:15 a.m.]
874. Legation’s 859, November 2, 4 p.m. I gather from interviewing Dr. Wellington Koo informally that the Chinese Government is much disturbed by the turn of events, especially by Baron Shidehara’s uncompromising attitude and by the recent opinions of the foreign press favorable to Japan. Dr. Koo stressed the “national” aspect of the commission of which he is chairman, with members representing various parts of China and, he believes, personally acceptable to Japan. I gained the impression that Koo was implying that the commission may be called upon ultimately to deal with problems more serious than those for which it was appointed and that perhaps Nanking had become more reconciled to possible negotiations with Japan, if not before, at least at the same time as evacuation of Japanese forces into the railway zone gradually took place.
The Minister has been informed.