The Attorney General (Mitchell) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Re: Giovanni Girardon v. Romolo Angelone.
In connection with this case which is a suit against a commercial attaché pending in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, the United States Attorney at New York City has just telephoned that the justices of the court are in a quandary as to what constitutes a commercial attaché and whether such an official is entitled to diplomatic immunity; that one of the justices has advised him by telephone that the court would like to have and is willing to be bound in this case by a letter or certificate from the State Department defining what constitutes a commercial attaché and whether he is entitled to diplomatic immunity. As the court would like to have this letter or certificate as soon as possible, your prompt attention to this matter will be very much appreciated.
In order to place this matter before you without delay, this letter is being delivered to you by special messenger.
Assistant Attorney General