The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Schoenfeld)
Sir: Consideration has been given to your despatch No. 46 dated November 3, 1931, referring to a memorandum which the Department transmitted to you in its instruction No. 177 of October 28, setting forth its views with reference to the possible mediation of the Government of the United States in the controversy between the Haitian and Dominican Governments over the delineation of their common boundary.
It is noted that you feel that there is reason to believe that the boundary question may shortly be the subject of direct negotiation between the Dominican and Haitian Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and that for this reason it may be unnecessary at this time to bring to the attention of the Dominican Government the sense of the Department’s memorandum referred to above.
In view of your suggestion you are authorized to defer discussing this matter with the Dominican Government at the present time. The Department feels that it is important, however, for the Dominican Government to understand clearly that the American Government has not at any time made a proffer of mediation in the settlement of this boundary dispute, and believes that it would be desirable therefore for you to bring out this point in an informal conversation with the appropriate Dominican authorities when a suitable occasion may arise.
Very truly yours,