
The Finnish Minister (Aström) to the Secretary of State

Excellency: With reference to my conversations with the Undersecretary of State relative to the announcement made by the President of the United States on June 20th, 1931, concerning postponement of all payments upon the debts of foreign governments to the American Government during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1931, I have the honor to state that it is my understanding that payments on the debt of the Government of Finland to the Government of the United States, according to the agreement of May 1, 1923,2 due on December 15th, 1931, and June 15th, 1932, are not expected by the Government of the United States to be made on the dates mentioned.

I have the honor to request Your Excellency to be good enough to inform me as to the correctness of my understanding as stated above.

Accept [etc.]

L. Aström
  1. Combined Annual Reports of the World War Foreign Debt Commission, 1922–1926 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1927), p. 120.