393.11/1112: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)
172. Legation’s 291, April 25, 5 p.m., and Department’s 152, May 2, 5 p.m. For your information. Question of withdrawal of American Catholic missionaries from Kanchow was again discussed with Father Burke on May 17. Latter stated that he did not believe the Church would instruct them to withdraw, that he thought whether or not they did withdraw would depend largely on their own discretion and estimate of the situation and that he believed information on that question could best be had by consulting the Apostolic delegate in China. Father Burke was informed that the Department felt it had done everything it could to place its views before the Catholic authorities and that a situation might develop in which it would be highly desirable to know definitely what attitude the Catholics at Kanchow could be expected to take regarding the question of withdrawal. He was told that if it should prove necessary to obtain more definite indications, the Department would probably instruct the American Minister at Peiping to make the necessary inquiries.
[Paraphrase.] It seems to be clear that the Catholic authorities in Washington do not feel in a position either to advise their coordinate or superior authorities or to instruct Bishop O’Shea. In view of the conversation you reported with the Apostolic delegate in [Page 123] China, the Department doubts that any action by him can be expected or should be sought. Therefore, it is suggested by the Department to proceed as follows:
The Consul General at Hankow has reported that General Ho Ying-chin said he is able to communicate by land wire and by wireless with Kanchow (see Hankow’s telegram of April 30, 2 p.m.). Ask Lockhart to try to communicate through Ho directly with the American citizens at Kanchow in order to get the facts respecting their present situation and welfare and to find out if and in what circumstances these Americans, any or all of them, would act in accordance with American official advice to withdraw. [End paraphrase.]