893.801 Search/20: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

355. Following telegram has been received from the Minister for the Department’s information:

“May 19, 8 p.m. Department’s telegram No. 10, May 15, 1 p.m.22

I conferred with Admiral McVay23 yesterday, May 18th. Admiral McVay understands that words ‘In the interval’, beginning last sentence, mean that pending Chinese reply to my communication American naval vessels should not use force immediately upon boarding of American commercial vessels by Chinese naval personnel.
I handed to Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Frank Lee an aide-mémoire at 3:45 p.m. today, of which following are essential parts in this connection:
‘The American Minister has now been instructed by his Government to invite the attention of the National Government of the Republic of China to the fact that the only authorities of the Government of China authorized by the treaties between the United States and China to board and search American vessels are the Chinese Maritime Customs authorities.
The American Minister has been further instructed to say that in view of this fact the Government of the United States will, of necessity, feel itself constrained to hold the National Government of the Republic of China accountable for any cruelty [damage?] or loss suffered by American vessels or American owners of cargo in cases where American vessels are boarded and searched by agencies other than those authorized by the treaties between the United States and China.’
Vice Minister Lee stated that they had no revenue cruisers in that vicinity but that it might be possible to place customs officers upon Chinese naval vessels in order that searches might be made by custom[s] officers. I informed him that it was my opinion that the American Government would have no objection if searches were made by customs officers.”

For the Minister:
  1. Telegram in two sections.
  2. To the Consul at Nanking, p. 117.
  3. Commander in Chief, U. S. Asiatic Fleet.