883.404/22: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Gunther)


37. Your 44, April 18, 4 p.m., and despatch No. 365, April 22.27 The Department approves your attitude of discussing with the American missionaries the demonstrations recently at the American University and at the Ezbekieh American Mission.

The missionaries should be informed by you that the United States Government expects them to refrain from such activities as might give rise in Egypt to anti-American feelings. You may point out at the same time that the American Ambassador in Great Britain has been instructed by the Department to make inquiries of the British authorities concerning the steps which are being taken for the safeguarding of religious liberties in Egypt. Under cover of the Department’s instruction No. 109 of April 29,28 there has been sent to you a copy of the instruction directing Ambassador Dawes to take such action.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.