839.00 Revolutions/32: Telegram

The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Curtis) to the Acting Secretary of State

28. [Paraphrase.] At 1 p.m. an agreement was reached between the President and the revolutionists on the basis that Estrella Ureña will be immediately appointed Secretary of the Interior and that the President will leave within a few days for Porto Rico and then resign. The doctors have informed the President that they will not be responsible for his life if he does not immediately cease working and retire abroad where politicians cannot disturb him. The President was, most evidently, suffering greatly yesterday, and he has not left his bed today.

The appointment of the chief of the revolution [to the] agreed-upon post, which will make him the actual Chief of State very soon, is most displeasing to the Legation; but the President and his principal advisers say that Estrella is the only one who can reestablish peace in the Dominican Republic; so I have made no objection to the arrangement though I have pointed out the undesirable precedent that is being established. I trust that my action in the matter is approved by the Department, and that no question of recognition will be raised inasmuch as all legal forms are to be followed. [End paraphrase.]

The Legation has received no report of any injury to American persons or property; loss of life and damage to property seem to have been very small indeed.
