839.00 Revolutions/27: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Curtis)
13. Department is advised by British Embassy that sloop Wistaria will arrive at Santo Domingo from Dominica probably during the course of today. Department still feels that the situation is not such as to require the presence of a warship and especially that it would be very unwise to land any forces. The landing of forces might well change the situation in a very unfavorable manner by creating hostile [Page 707] feeling against foreigners in general and the nationals of the country landing forces in particular. The Department’s information indicates that all sides at the present time are scrupulously respecting all foreign interests. The landing of foreign forces might well provoke a change in this attitude and very much complicate the situation. The British Embassy here has been informed in the above sense and you may also so inform your British colleague.