839.00 Revolutions/21: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Curtis)
10. Your 18 and 19.5a Your course of action so far as reported is approved. You will receive by telegram sent immediately after this an instruction for you to offer in the name of this Government its good offices in settlement of present difficulties which you will be authorized to show to any individuals with whom you may have communication. Whether or not you deem it wise to use that authority [Page 704] is left entirely to your discretion. If you so use it and show it, you are not authorized to make any formal communication or note to the Dominican Government in this sense. You are not authorized to suggest any United States participation in or even supervision of the elections. The last thing we want is to get in a situation where that would result.
- Dated February 25, 10 p.m., and February 26, 7 a.m.↩