
The Ambassador in Cuba (Guggenheim) to the Secretary of State

No. 416

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 405 of October 25, 1930,29 I have the honor to report that the proposal made by the Warren Brothers Company and the Compañía Cubana de Contratistas for financing work on the Central Highway was duly accepted in terms substantially the same as those contained in said despatch; and a contract embodying this proposal was signed on Thursday, October 30, 1930, following the publication of Executive Decree No. 1434, which was signed October 24, 1930, but was not published until October 29, 1930.

Prior thereto I had received the Department’s telegram No. 116 of October 29, 1930,30 reading as follows:

“Department approves letter quoted in your despatch 402, October 23 last, regarding Public Works financing.”

and had sent to President Machado the letter (copy enclosed)31 referred to in my despatch No. 402 of October 23, 1930.

A copy of the said Executive Decree No. 1434, approving the proposal of the contractors, as appearing in the Official Gazette of October 29, 1930, together with a translation, is transmitted herewith.32

Respectfully yours,

Harry F. Guggenheim
  1. Not printed; it transmitted copies of the proposal (Minuta Número Dos of October 14, 1930) of the contractors, Warren Brothers Company and the Compañía Cubana de Contratistas, for financing work on the Central Highway.
  2. File No. 837.154/116.
  3. Not printed; the letter is dated October 29, 1930.
  4. Not printed.