The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 15, 1931.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Legation’s despatch No. 163 of April 19, 1930,96 on the subject of certain changes contemplated in the cadastral system at Shanghai, with particular reference to the procedure governing the issuance of title deeds. There are now enclosed copies of despatches Nos. 6693, 6699, and 6717, of November 9, November 24, and December 8, 1930, from the American Consul General at Shanghai,97 reporting the negotiations between the Consular Body at Shanghai and the Director of the Chinese Land Bureau, and the final understanding reached with the Chinese authorities regarding this matter.
The British Consul General at Shanghai has been authorized to begin the use of the new deed forms as from January 1st and otherwise to acquiesce in the new regulations.
Inasmuch as the understanding reached particularly with regard to the issuance of title deeds appears to be reasonable and as satisfactory as might be expected, the Legation on December 15, 1930, authorized the Consul General at Shanghai to begin the use of the new deed [Page 575] forms as from January 1st and to otherwise acquiesce in the new regulations, without, however, formally recognizing the Chinese proposals regarding the new cadastral system.
Respectfully yours,
Counselor of Legation