
The Acting Secretary of State to the Reverend J. J. Burke, General Secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Conference



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In the light of the information contained in this letter and in previous letters to you regarding conditions in southern Kiangsi, the Department believes that it is unsafe for the missionaries to remain there without the protection of Chinese soldiers, and also that it would be improper for the representatives of this Government to continue to urge that an army be sent to or maintained in Kiangsi. Although it appears that the withdrawal of these missionaries cannot be undertaken at the moment, it would seem desirable that they should withdraw as soon as possible, until safe conditions are restored, and to that end it would be appreciated if the appropriate authorities in this country were to telegraph them to that effect. If you desire to discuss this matter with the Department, it is suggested that you call at your convenience at the Division of Far Eastern Affairs.

Very truly yours,

For the Acting Secretary of State:
Stanley K. Hornbeok

Chief, Division of Far Eastern Affairs