Executive Agreement Series No. 37
The Foreign Signatories to the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (C. T. Wang)
Nanking, February 17, 1930.
Sir: With reference to the Agreement which we have signed to-day concerning the establishment of a District Court and a Branch High Court in the International Settlement at Shanghai, we have the honour to request your confirmation of our understanding on the following points:
- 1.
- It is understood that the Courts established under the present Agreement shall exercise jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases as well as police offences and inquests in the International Settlement at Shanghai, provided that the jurisdiction of the said Courts over persons shall be the same as that of other Chinese Courts and provided that their territorial jurisdiction shall be the same as that of the [Page 338] Chinese court now functioning in the International Settlement at Shanghai, except (a) mixed criminal cases arising on private foreign property outside the limits of the Settlement and (b) mixed civil cases arising in areas surrounding the Settlement.
- 2.
- It is understood that the present practice regarding the respective jurisdictions of the Chinese court now functioning in the International Settlement and the Court existing in the French Concession shall be followed, pending a definite arrangement between the Chinese Government and the authorities concerned.
- 3.
- It is understood that as far as practicable Chinese shall be recommended by the Municipal Council to serve as officers and members of the judicial police of the Courts established under the present Agreement. It is further understood that among the officers of the judicial police appointed by the President of the Branch High Court under Article VI of the present Agreement, there will be one to be designated by the Municipal Council, to whom will be allotted by the President an office on the Court premises and who will make an entry of all judicial processes of the Courts, such as summonses, warrants, orders and judgments, for the purpose of service or execution in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Article.
- 4.
- It is understood that the establishment of the Courts provided for in the present Agreement in no way affects the validity of judgments rendered by the Chinese court now functioning in the International Settlement and its predecessor, and that such judgments shall be considered as final and valid except where an appeal has been lawfully taken or reserved. It is further understood that the judgments of the Courts established under the present Agreement shall be on the same footing as regards validity as the judgments of all other Chinese Courts.
- 5.
- It is understood that the present Agreement does not in any way affect or prejudice any future negotiations regarding the status of extra-Settlement roads.
- 6.
- It is understood that the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) now on deposit with the Bank of China to the credit of the present Chinese court in the International Settlement shall be maintained by the Chinese Government to the credit of the new Courts established under the present Agreement.
- 7.
- It is agreed that in accordance with Chinese law, there shall be maintained by the Courts established under the present Agreement, a storage room for articles confiscated by the Courts, which remain the property of the Chinese Government, it being understood that confiscated opium and instruments for the smoking and preparation thereof shall be burned publicly in the International Settlement every three months and that the Municipal Council may present to the Presidents of the Courts for transmission to the Ministry of Justice such [Page 339] suggestions as it may desire to make regarding the disposal of confiscated arms.
- 8.
- It is understood that upon the coming into force of the present Agreement, all cases pending in the Chinese court now functioning in the International Settlement shall be dealt with in the Courts established under the present Agreement in accordance with the procedure in force in the latter Courts, provided that the proceedings in mixed cases shall, as far as practicable, be continued from the point where they are taken over and concluded within a period of twelve months which period may be extended at the discretion of the Courts when the circumstances in any case so warrant.
We avail ourselves [etc.]
J. de Pinto Diaz
on behalf of the Brazilian Chargé d’Affaires
In the name of the American Minister,
Joseph E.
W. Meyrick
on behalf of His Britannic Majesty’s Minister
on behalf of the Norwegian Chargé d’Affaires
F. E. H.
on behalf of the Netherlands chargé d’affaires
In the name of the French Minister:
E. Koechlin