893.05/267: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

126. Department’s 51, February 11 [10], 5 p.m.3 In discussion with the British Minister at Nanking we both consider[ed] it highly desirable that the chiefs of mission concerned should sign the court agreement since we believed its terms would be better safeguarded if it were signed both by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the interested Ministers. In view, however, of the physical difficulties in the way of obtaining the simultaneous signatures of all concerned, it has been found necessary to abandon this plan, and we are now agreed that the agreement be signed at Nanking on February 17 by the duly authorized representatives of the interested heads of mission and by a representative of the Minister for Foreign Affairs who will sign in the name of their respective chiefs. On February 10 Dr. Wang agreed to give British Minister a reply stating that he accepted the agreement and April 1st as the date of its coming into effect. Upon being informed that the British Minister has received a letter from Wang to this effect, the interested Heads of Legation will designate their representatives and instruct them to proceed to Nanking to sign on the appointed date. It is my intention to authorize Jacobs to sign in my behalf.

  1. Not printed.