893.61331/25: Telegram

The American Minister in China (Johnson) to Marshal Ten Hsi-shan of Shansi Province49


Excellency: I have the honor to state that I have been informed that, on and after March 1st, the sale of cigarettes and cigars is to be made a provincial monopoly in Shansi and that the foreign companies dealing in these products are not to be allowed to make sales directly to individual merchants. In this connection, the American Consul General at Tientsin addressed communications to the Shansi Provincial Government on January 7th, on January 17th, and again on January 27th. He has as yet had no reply. Since, in so far as American firms are concerned, the establishment of such a monopoly would inflict serious damage upon American trade and would contravene the treaties between the United States and China relating to trade and commerce, I have the honor to request that Your Excellency will be good enough to investigate the situation and, if the facts are as reported, take effective steps to prevent the establishment of the monopoly in question. An early reply would be appreciated.

Accept [etc.]

Nelson T. Johnson
  1. Telegram sent in Chinese; copy of translation transmitted to the Department by the Minister in China in his despatch No. 53, March 1, 1930; received March 28.