393.1163 Am 3/97
The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Consul General at Hankow (Lockhart)51
Sir: The Legation has received your despatch L–891, of December 30, 1929,52 concerning Communist uprisings and the protection of American interests in Kiangsi, wherewith was transmitted a copy of a letter addressed to your office by Bishop J. A. O’Shea, of Kanchow. Kiangsi Province, dated December 3rd, and a copy of your reply of December 30th.53 You invite the Legation’s attention to the request made by Bishop O’Shea that the Nanking Government be informed that his Mission will demand indemnity for damages inflicted on its property and that it be urged to send reinforcements to southern Kiangsi.
[Page 82]The Legation does not see that any useful purpose would be served by giving notice to the Government at Nanking that indemnity will be demanded for damages suffered by the Mission, and the Mission’s right to demand indemnification is obvious and unquestioned. The situation described in Bishop O’Shea’s letter in connection with the need for reinforcements was met in December. It is assumed that in case of another emergency notification would be sent by telegraph.
I am [etc.]
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in China in his despatch No. 2540, January 16; received February 13.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1929, vol. ii, p. 504.↩
- Neither printed.↩