893.51/5279: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

461. Legation’s 448, June 16, 7 p.m. Following from American Consul General at Tientsin, mail despatch June 16th:

“June 16, 3 p.m. The French Consul, in whose concession the customhouse is situated, took no action on the ground that the administration of the customs is a matter in which he cannot properly interfere, unless, of course, Chinese troops should attempt to enter the French area.

Mr. Simpson’s demand was made early this morning, the customhouse ceasing almost immediately to function, and the Northern appointee was installed by early afternoon. The incumbent, Deputy Commissioner of Customs, a British subject, is, it is understood, continuing his duties pending receipt of instructions from the Inspectorate General at Shanghai; in case54 the Chinese staff is also still on duty, calmly [, as might be expected,?] because of force majeure or of no desire to relinquish their livelihood; and it is expected that ordinary customs business will be transacted this afternoon.

Whether or not Yen attempts to set up a new administration throughout the areas in his control, the taking over of the Tientsin customhouse cannot but mark the beginning of the disintegration of the customs representatives [service] and the subjection of the customs organization to the whims of local migrationarists [militarists,?] and it is to be expected that the customs at Chefoo, Changsha, and possibly other places, may shortly suffer a similar fate.”

For the Minister:
  1. Telegram in two sections.
  2. Two words erroneous.