393.1111 Nelson, Bert N./34: Telegram

The Consul General at Hankow (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

[129.] Following telegram sent to Nanking yesterday:

“December 4, 10 a.m. Urgent for the Minister: Following telegram just received from Dr. Skinsnes at Sinyangchow:

‘Letter from Tvedt and Nelson dated November 26 states that Communists now talk of [$]5,000 in medicines or [$]10,000 in cash. Both offer to pay all they have to obtain freedom. Would you advise an offer of [$]3,000?’

While opposed in principle to payment of ransom I see no objection to mission or friends making offer suggested if they desire to do so. Please telegraph at once whether you concur in this view.”

Following reply received this morning from Minister, Johnson: [Page 219]

“December 4, 4 p.m. I concur since no line of action other than the one you suggest appears feasible. Inform the Department regarding inquiry, my reply and action.”

Another letter was received by me yesterday afternoon, dated November 30, signed by Nelson and Tvedt stating that their captors have agreed to accept $3,000 cash or $5,000 in medicines for release and stipulating that money must be paid in five-and ten-dollar notes, Shanghai currency. Confidential. Mission sent $3,000 by two trusted servants of Nelson and Tvedt this morning, one of these servants having brought the above-mentioned letter to me from near Hwangan. Legation and Nanking informed.
