893.00/11032: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

640. Legation’s 638, July 31, noon.

1. Following note has been despatched by priority radio to the Minister for Foreign Affairs at Nanking:

“I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that advices received by the Legation from American naval vessels in the vicinity of Changsha indicate that the bandit or so-called communist forces reported as in possession of that city are now engaged in the systematic looting and burning of foreign properties. The offices of the Standard Oil Company and other [of the?] auxiliary Texas Oil Company are said to have been already looted.

It is suggested that prompt and effective action for the relief of the city may result in checking the otherwise probable destruction of many of the numerous American missionary and educational institutions as well as of the properties of American commercial firms. As Your Excellency is aware, American interests in Changsha are extensive in character and are widely scattered throughout the city, thus calling for the utmost vigilance in order to secure their effective protection in circumstances such as are reported now existing there.

The Legation is also informed that rewards are being offered for information as to the whereabouts of foreigners and of members of the Chinese staffs of foreign firms. According to present reports, however, all American citizens have safely withdrawn with the exception of two American missionaries, Mr. Allen Cameron, of the Hunan Faith Mission, Mr. William Lingle, of the Presbyterian Mission, whose fate are unknown. The Legation asks that the Chinese Government endeavor to ascertain the whereabouts of Mr. Cameron and Mr. Lingle and afford them adequate protection at the earliest possible moment.

The American Government must reserve all rights with respect to such losses or injuries as American citizens have already suffered or may suffer by reason of the disturbances above described. I avail, etc.”

2. American Consul at Hankow is being instructed to make similar representations to highest local authorities concerned. Commander in Chief informed.

For the Minister: