893.00/10970: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 13—4:32 p.m.]
568. Your 230, July 10, 2 p.m. Following Trans-Oceans Asiatic despatch dated Berlin, July 4th, is quoted in this relation:
“The Chinese Northern Government having requested the diplomatic representatives of certain powers to enquire into the alleged violation of treaties by Germans acting as advisers to the National Government at Nanking and trading in arms and munitions, it is authoritatively pointed out here today that trading in arms, munitions and poison gas has been forbidden by Germany and the ban is strictly enforced.
It is added that Germans acting as military advisers to Chinese factions do so against the wishes for [of] German Government which disapproves of this form of activity and had repeatedly warned persons concerned.
The National Government cannot be ignorant of the fact that the recruiting of such persons for military purposes is undesirable to Germany. This shows that treaty stipulations are being scrupulously observed, which is well known to those authorities who are in opposition to the National Government.”