893.00/10859: Telegram
The Consul General at Hankow (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State
Hankow, May 27, 1930—6
[Received May 27—2:55 p.m.]
[Received May 27—2:55 p.m.]
34. The following telegram has been sent to the Legation:
“May 27, 5 p.m.
- 1.
- A group of bandits numbering approximately 1,000 cut Peiping-Hankow line just north of Hwayuen, Hupeh, night before last, captured and killed the station master at Wangchiatien and are holding other Chinese as hostages. Troops have now driven bandits from immediate vicinity and line has been reopened. I have again communicated by mail with head master of American school at Kikungshan warning him of danger and advising withdrawal of Americans to Hankow. Telegraph lines are down. Danger in Northern Hupeh and Southern Honan from bandit operations apparently increasing from day to day. Same is true in other areas in this district, notably Kiangsi, Hunan and West Hupeh.
- 2.
- Japanese sources report Kweiteh in Eastern Honan recaptured by Northerners. Not confirmed here.
- 3.
- Large quantities of barbed wire apparently for use in erecting defenses are being shipped to a point 18 miles south of Wuchang.
- 4.
- Telegraph lines to Kiukiang have been cut. In view of bandit situation in Kiangsi Province I am advising American citizens who make inquiry to defer visit to Kuling until situation improves.
- 5.
- Unless the National authorities take some effective measures to curb the spread of banditry and the activities of Communist armies, a large section of this part of China will shortly be completely under the domination of these elements who have already wrought great damage to life and property.
Repeated to Nanking and Department.”