The Chairman of the American Delegation (Starbuck) to the Acting Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to report to you that in accordance with letters of instructions from the State Department dated April 9, 1930,39 the following representatives of the United States government met with representatives of the Canadian government at the Customs House, New York City, on April 10 and 11, 1930:
- Commissioner W. D. L. Starbuck, Chairman of Delegation,
- Col. Clarence M. Young, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics,
- Mr. W. R. Vallance, [Assistant] Solicitor, Department of State, Captain F. C. Hingsburg, Chief Engineer, Airways Division, Department of Commerce,
- Dr. C. B. Jolliffe, Chief Engineer, Federal Radio Commission, Mr. Gerald C. Gross, Engineer, Federal Radio Commission.
The following representatives of the Canadian government were present:
- Commander C. P. Edwards, Director of Radio Telegraph Branch, Department of Marine.
- Mr. G. C. W. Browne, Chief Inspector, Radio Telegraph Branch, Department of Marine.
- Major W. A. Steel, Royal Canadian Signals, Department of National Defense.
- Capt. W. L. Laurie, Royal Canadian Signals, Department of National Defense.
This informal conference, for the purpose of suggesting means of improving existing facilities for aviation radio communication and radio aids to air navigation provided a mutual exchange of ideas and scientific data which was helpful to the members of both delegations.
The first day’s meeting consisted primarily of informative statements which brought out the present working arrangements for aviation radio being followed in each country. At the close of this meeting a Technical Committee was appointed which drew up a series of recommendations to be used as a guide in the working out of a common plan for the betterment of aviation radio.
The Canadian and the United States delegates were entertained by the State Department at a luncheon at the Harvard Club at 1:30 P.M. on the first day.
This Technical Committee reported to the Conference the following day and after discussion and modification of the resolutions formulated, the Conference adopted them unanimously.
Complete minutes of the meetings of the Conference together with the resolutions adopted are attached.40
Very truly yours,