832.01/2: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 4—2:55 p.m.]
139. British Ambassador called upon me this morning to inquire whether the Department was considering the question of recognizing the Provisional Government of Brazil; the Brazilian Embassy at London has approached the Foreign Office thereon.
All the requisites contained in the Secretary’s statement released on September 17th last12 when existing Governments in Argentina, Bolivia and Peru were recognized13 seem to have been fulfilled here except in regard to the holding of elections. In announcing his program upon taking over the Government yesterday, Vargas stated that there would be a “reform of electoral system relating especially to the guaranteeing freedom of vote” and “reform of the electorate having been accomplished the nation will be consulted regarding the choice of representatives with full power to revise the Federal statutes in order to increase public and individual liberty and guarantee the autonomy of the states against violations by the Central Government.”