832.00 Revolutions/160: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:40 p.m.]
131. Received today at 4:30 p.m. a, circular communication dated October 26, 1930, from Alfranio de Mello Franco, Foreign Minister and Minister ad interim of Justice and the Interior, stating
“The President of the Republic, Doctor Washington Luis Pereira de Sousa, having been deposed in virtue of the victorious revolutionary movement a ‘junta governativa provisoria’ composed of the Generals of the Division, Tasso Fragoso, President, and João de Deus Menna Barreto and Vice Admiral Isaias Noronha, has been constituted.
Allow me also to inform Your Excellency that the junta recognizes and respects all national obligations contracted abroad, existing treaties with foreign powers, the public debt, foreign and domestic, existing contracts and other obligations legally entered into.
I also inform Your Excellency that the governing junta governativa has appointed as Ministers of State: General Leite de Castro, War; Vice Admiral Isaias Noronha, Navy; and the undersigned in the posts above mentioned.”