832.00 Revolutions/91: Telegram

The Consul at Porto Alegre (Nasmith) to the Secretary of State

Secretary of the Interior, Rio Grande do Sul, has just sent following important communication from revolutionary government of interest to American ships: “In view of the attacks made by Federal warships on the defenseless coasts, the revolutionary government has decided to suppress, temporarily, all lighthouses in the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catharina, and Paraná commencing today. [”] I am happy to report that measures are being made by the state authorities for payment of all requisitions which will effect [sic] the few requisitions of American property which have been made. American companies in Porto Alegre are very satisfied with the treatment given them in the protection of their property by the revolutionary government. I have just been informed from a reliable source that radio station in Buenos Aires has broadcast that I had informed my Government that [Page 439] considerable American property was being taken by revolutionary government; Without doubt Department has not issued this information but if possible to counteract this account please publish that revolutionary government has respected and protected American property and American lives unusually well in view of the circumstances, which is the truth. Please acknowledge by telegraph.
