632.0023/5: Telegram

The Chargé in Brazil (Washington) to the Secretary of State

97. This Embassy has just received a written communication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating that Brazilian Consuls have received from the Ministry, in accordance with orders from the Federal Inspection of Navigation, instructions not to visa until further notice for military and administrative reasons the papers of ships destined to the following Brazilian ports: São Luiz, Fortaleza and all ports of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Parahyba, Pernambuco and Alagoas; Paranaguá, São Francisco, and the ports of Rio Grande do Sul, all of which ports are temporarily closed to navigation.

In a conversation with a responsible official of the Brazilian Foreign Office I have learned that the Brazilian Government is well aware of the claims on the part of foreign shipping companies which may arise as a result of trying to close the above-mentioned ports but considers it essential that the revolutionists not receive arms, ammunition or other supplies. Furthermore, it fears that some such supplies [Page 437] are on boats which were cleared for Recife before the issuance of the consular instruction and therefore is desirous that foreign governments cause such vessels to proceed to another port.
