832.00 Revolutions/29: Telegram

The Chargé in Brazil (Washington) to the Secretary of State


78. American Consul at Pernambuco telegraphs that he might request assistance in case of a Federal attack upon Pernambuco. A responsible official of the Foreign Office informed me that no effort would be spared by the military and naval commanders, who were approaching that city, to retake it for the Government even if it meant bombardment.

The American Consul at Bahia reports street firing between sailors and police and states that Americans are nervous because of anti-American feeling among the lower classes. He requests me to inform him whether any American warships are expected in that vicinity.

Since it appears very probable that a serious engagement will take place at Pernambuco which would endanger the lives of Americans and of foreigners I invite the Department’s consideration to the question of having American naval vessels in that vicinity.
