832.00 Revolutions/2: Telegram

The Chargé in Brazil (Washington) to the Secretary of State


62. Van den Arend, Consul at Pernambuco, reports as follows:

“October 4, 10 a.m. Last night at 11 o’clock revolution broke out in Pernambuco. The result is still in doubt.”

Reports from other sources, usually considered reliable by us, are that revolutions have started in Bello Horizonte and other parts of the State of Minas Geraes and in Pelotas and other parts of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. A Government censorship of telegrams has been established in fact, though not officially, and railroad and telephone communications between Rio de Janeiro and Bello Horizonte have been interrupted. A responsible official of the Foreign Office informs me that martial law will be declared today in the States of Minas Geraes and Rio Grande do Sul.

The situation in Rio de Janeiro is considered critical, but there is no disorder. This morning’s edition of O Jornal was suppressed.

One cruiser will leave Rio de Janeiro today for Pernambuco, and another will leave to join four destroyers previously sent to Florianopolis.1

Will the Department please acknowledge receipt of this telegram?2

  1. This paragraph has been corrected on basis of telegram No. 69, October 6, 7 p.m. from the Chargé in Brazil (832.00 Revolutions/13).
  2. Acknowledged by the Department in its telegram No. 55, October 4, 6 p.m. (832.00 Revolutions/21).