863.51 Relief Credits/253
The Austrian Legation to the Department of State
The Austrian Minister is in receipt of a cable from the Austrian Federal Minister of Finances from London June 28, 1930, transmitting the following note from the chairman of the Relief Committee:
“With reference to my letter of 16th April 1930, I have the honor to state for the information of the Austrian Government that the first proces verbale of the deposit of ratifications of the agreement signed at the Hague on 20th January 1930, having been drawn up on the 28th instant, and the agreement having come into force between the contracting parties who have ratified as from the last mentioned date of the release of the securities referred to in the letter of sixteenth April 1930, by the Governments of Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland which hold Austrian Relief Bond has come into operation subject to a similar release of the same securities being given by the United States Government in respects of the Relief Bonds which they hold.
“I am Your Excellency your obedient servant,
Leith Ross.”
The Austrian Minister has been instructed to communicate the contents [Page 408] of the above letter to the Secretary of the Treasury and to request that a declaration of release by the United States Government be issued at the earliest possible date and transmitted by cable.