863.51 Relief Credits/260

The French Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in France19


By note dated the 10th of this month, the American Embassy inquired of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs if the reply addressed on April 16, 1930, by the Chairman of the Relief Credits Committee to the Austrian Minister at London concerning the authorisation solicited by the Austrian Government to issue a new loan of 750 million schillings, had been approved by the French Government, and whether he had acted on this occasion with the authority of this Government.

In reply to this communication, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform the American Embassy that Mr. Leith-Ross acted in the matter as the representative of the Governments constituting the Relief Credits Committee, and that the letter of April 16, 1930, received the approval of the French Government.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in France as an enclosure to his despatch No. 649, June 25, 1930; received July 7.