715.1715/390: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Lay) to the Secretary of State

87. The following telegram was sent to the Legation at Managua:

“September 18, 8 p.m. Referring to your telegram of September 16, 2 p.m.,97 stating that full text of the boundary protocol, proposed by the Government of Honduras and transmitted with my air mail letter of August 17, is accepted by the Government of Nicaragua with the omission of article 5. I take great pleasure in informing you that after explaining to the President that the omission of article 5 would improve chances of ratification in the Nicaraguan Congress he agreed to this text of the protocol in full without article 5.

Believing the moment opportune and for reasons you mention, I urged him to reconsider his previous objection to signing in Managua. A copy of a note from the Honduranean Foreign Office to this Legation agreeing to text of protocol in full with omission of article 5 and stating that Honduranean Government would have no objection to signing in Managua will be sent you by marine air mail tomorrow”.

  1. See telegram No. 115 of the same date to the Secretary of State, supra.