724.3415/925: Telegram

The Chargé in Uruguay (Gade) to the Secretary of State

2. My telegram number 56, December 10, noon.29 The Minister for Foreign Affairs today informed me that in view of the Paraguayan Government’s continued refusal to accept the Uruguayan formula for carrying out the terms of the Washington protocol,30 which has been accepted by Bolivia, the Bolivian Government recently declared that it would break off negotiations here. Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs has requested the Bolivian Government to postpone such action for a couple of weeks in order that an attempt might be made to induce Paraguay to accept the formula.

Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs is sending Sampognaro, Uruguayan member of the Brazilian-Uruguayan boundary commission, to Asunción tomorrow on a special mission. He is to urge Paraguayan Minister for Foreign [Affairs?] to cooperate in preventing break-down of the negotiations which would mean the collapse of all the work accomplished at Washington.

In this connection the Minister for Foreign Affairs expressed the hope that the Government of the United States would make similar representations to Paraguay.

  1. Foreign Relations. 1929, vol. i, p. 862.
  2. Reference is to the conciliation agreement of September 12, 1929; for text, see telegram No. 50, September 12, 1929, to the Chargé in Bolivia, ibid., p. 860.