500.A15a3/1301: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Armour) to the Secretary of State


424. Craigie, who last evening arrived from Rome and is today leaving for London, informs me that since his talk with Mr. Garrett in Rome (a résumé of which has, I understand, been sent to the Department) there is little to report. He also says that the French have expressed a willingness to study the questions further, although they are not entirely satisfied with what he was able to bring them from Rome. He states that submarines and the question of capital ships continue to present the principal difficulties. It is difficult for the French, because of the overthrow of the Government and the political crisis here, to concentrate on the negotiations. Some further delay may be caused by the fact that Sarraut, the new Minister of Marine, has not yet had an opportunity to give his attention to questions other than political ones.

I am also informed by Craigie that they hope to decide how and when they are to résumé any further negotiations that may be held; it is his belief that this will not be in any case until about January 3, after the Christmas holidays. He repeated, in conclusion, that he himself was reasonably hopeful and that he felt that difficulties were being eliminated and the eventual solution brought nearer by each exchange of ideas.

Repeated to Brussels, Berne, and Rome.
