The Assistant Secretary of State (White) to the Secretary to the President (Akerson)
My Dear Mr. Akerson: The Department has been informed that within a week or ten days the All America Cables Company will take over the operation of the cable system of Venezuela and this Company has requested that at that time the President send a message of greeting to the President of Venezuela.
You will recall that in the past upon the occasion of the opening of direct communication systems between the United States and various other countries notably Hungary, Cuba, and Spain, the President has been good enough to send such a message.
I therefore transmit herewith a copy of a communication which I should recommend be sent if the President approves. I shall be pleased to have this message sent to the President of Venezuela at the appropriate time, if the President so desires.
I am [etc.]
- The suggested message was approved and was transmitted to the All America Cables, Inc., who delivered it to President Perez on December 5, 1929 (811.7331A15/27, 28, 29).↩