The Chargé in Nicaragua (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 31.]
Sir: Supplementing my despatch No. 1185 of October 9, 1929, I have the honor to report that señor Cristino Paguaga Núñez, who succeeded señor Adolfo Ortega Díaz as director of La Prensa, was arrested and confined on October 24 by order of President Moncada. The immediate cause of his arrest was the publication in La Prensa on October 20 of an editorial attacking American policy in Nicaragua in general and in particular accusing Lawrence Dennis, one time American Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Nicaragua, of having been instrumental in bringing about the Lomazo of 1925.42 A translation of the editorial is enclosed.43
La Prensa of October 25 reproduces señor Paguaga’s version of the questions propounded to him by the local police judge following his arrest. A translation of the article is enclosed.43
Señor Paguaga is known to be an ardent Chamorrista and has endeavored since he has been director of La Prensa to continue that [Page 604] newspaper’s policy of rabid opposition to the government and to American policy in Nicaragua.
The general opinion appears to be that President Moncada’s action in this case is consistent with the attitude that he has taken toward persons suspected of plotting against his government although it is considered by many that the actual pretext for the arrest of señor Paguaga was flimsy. General Emiliano Chamorro called at the Legation on October 25 but made no reference to señor Paguaga’s arrest.
I have [etc.]
- For an account of the seizure of the Loma, a fortress dominating the city of Managua, see telegram No. 150, October 25, 1925, 3 p.m., from the Chargé in Nicaragua, Foreign Relations, 1925, vol. ii, p. 639.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩