817.00/6412: Telegram
The Chargé in Nicaragua (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:30 p.m.]
238. My despatch 1157, and 117039 forwarded by air mail September 20 and 27 respectively.
A warrant was issued on September 27 by direction of President Moncada for the arrest of 13 individuals in Managua, 17 in Masaya, 4 [Page 600] each in Leon and Granada and 1 each in Chinandega and Corinto. The warrant states that “this measure has been taken by the President because there exists complete information that the persons mentioned are endeavoring to alter the order and peace of the Republic,” and was addressed to the Chief of the National Guard.
The arrests have been made with the exception of one or two and the prisoners are now confined in the national penitentiary. General McDougal informs me that most of the prisoners have records of previous subversive activities. The list includes no one of outstanding importance. I understand this Government is considering deporting some or all of the prisoners.