817.00/6300: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12 noon.]
133. President Moncada told me yesterday that he is greatly perturbed by the failure of the Honduran Government to prevent sympathizers in Honduras from furnishing arms and other material and assistance to Nicaraguan rebels along the Honduran frontier, especially to rebels who often escape unarmed into Honduras and subsequently return armed to Nicaragua. He said that his repeated representations to the Honduran Government and his personal appeal to the President of Honduras have not improved the situation and that consequently he desires to present the matter to the Department in the hope that it may make appropriate representations to the Honduran Government.
[Paraphrase.] President Moncada pointed out that military operations in Nicaragua are being directed by American officers and for that reason he is not disposed to interfere and adopt the vigorous measures along the frontier which he believes to be essential … [End paraphrase.]