The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at
Tangier (Blake) to the Secretary of State
Tangier, February 9, 1929.
[Received March
No. 366
Sir: Following my despatch No. 360 of January
25th, 1929,58 and in
further reference to my Telegram No. 3 of February 5th, 1929, 10 a.m.,
concerning the assent of the Department to the application to American
nationals and resortissants in the Zone of
Tangier, of new fiscal measures adopted by the Authorities of that Zone,
I have the honor to transmit, annexed hereto, in the French text and in
English translation, copy of a Note which I have received from the
Residency-General of France. I also annex hereto copy of a Note, on the
subject, privately and unofficially communicated to me, addressed by the
Representative of Italy, as President of the Committee
[Page 524]
of Control in Tangier, to the
Resident-General of France at Rabat, Minister for Foreign Affairs of His
Shereefian Majesty. The Department will observe from these Enclosures,
that the conditions set forth in its cable Instruction No. 4 dated
January 22nd, 1929, 6 p.m., in the above, connection, have been fully
complied with.
I have [etc.]
The French Minister Delegated to the Residency
General in Morocco (Blanc) to the American
Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Blake)
Rabat, February 5, 1929.
No. 28–D
Mr. Diplomatic Agent:—Referring to your
letter of January 23rd last, and to my telegram of the 30th, idem, I have the honor to inform you that the
Tangier Administration has taken note of the reservations which
accompany the adhesion of your Government to certain fiscal measures
which have just been adopted in that Zone.
In order to respond to the desire which you have expressed, I am able
to give you the assurance that these measures have been adopted by
the Legislative Assembly at Tangier without amendment and that their
application shall involve no impairment of the rights of the
American Consular Tribunals over their ressortissants.
I avail myself [etc.]
[Enclosure 2—Translation59]
The President of the Committee of Control in
Tangier (De
Facendis) to the French
Minister Delegated to the Residency General in Morocco
Tangier, February 2,
Mr. Minister: In pursuance of a request of
the International Administration, communicated to you by my
predecessor, you have been good enough to approach the Diplomatic
Agent of the United States with a view to obtaining the application
to his ressortissants of certain fiscal
dispositions of the Zone of Tangier. And by letter No. 24–D of
January 29th, you have had the kindness to communicate to me the
favorable result of your amiable intervention.
I have the honor to inform you that the Committee of Control has
taken note, in its today’s meeting, of the assent of the American
Government to the application to its ressortissants of the Zone of Tangier of the four laws
relative to the gate taxes and to the increase of certain
consumption taxes.
These laws, definitely adopted without amendment by the Legislative
Assembly, enter into force, the first (gate taxes) from the 4th
[Page 525]
instant and the other
three (consumption taxes) from the first of this month.
It goes without saying that the consular jurisdiction of the United
States of America shall remain competent to deal with disputes which
might arise as a result of the application of these new dispositions
to American ressortissants in the Tangier
Please accept [etc.]
The Consul General of