The Spanish Ambassador (Padilla) to the Secretary of State
The Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Spain has received instructions from his Government to request the Honorable the Secretary of State to be so good as to give instructions to the Diplomatic Agent of the United States at Tangier in order that the effects of the Law “de Cadenas” may, from the date of its promulgation, be applicable to the American citizens and protégés in the Tangier Zone under his jurisdiction.
This law, passed by the International Legislative Assembly of Tangier, provides that any project presented by the Shereefian Administration for the purpose of increasing the taxes on consumption shall be immediately applicable.
On the request of the President of the Committee of Control, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Sultan communicated the text of the said law to the Diplomatic Agent of the United States in Tangier, making the request stated, which is supported by the Government of His Majesty.
If the Government of the United States should not accede to the request, it would place the Tangier Zone in a difficult situation, and, on the other hand, by giving its consent it would not yield any of the rights which it enjoys in Tangier and which are recognized by the International Administration. It could always oppose any particular measure which it might consider to be prejudicial to its interests.
Upon the suggestion of the President of the Committee of Control, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Sultan has requested Mr. Blake to submit to his Government the texts of the projects of law which will be, presented to the Legislative Assembly relative to increasing consumption taxes and port dues in order that he might authorize the application of these laws to North American citizens and protégés in case they are passed by the Assembly and approved by the Committee of Control.
[Page 523]The Ambassador of Spain in Washington would be grateful to the Honorable the Secretary of State of the United States if he would, accordingly, be good enough to give to Mr. Blake the proper instructions as well as those authorizing him to apply future legislation to North American citizens and protégés without the necessity of informing Washington in each case.
Alejandro Padilla takes this opportunity to renew to the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg the assurance of his highest consideration.
- File translation revised.↩