
The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier ( Blake ) to the Secretary of State

No. 410

Sir: In reference to my No. 392 of May 17th, 1929, reporting the ad referendum agreement between General Jordana and myself revising the total amount of the American claims in the Spanish Zone, as originally provided for in the joint report, I have the honor to inform the Department that there occurred a slight misunderstanding with regard to the Raisuli indemnity, as explained in a communication, dated June 17th, 1929, which I have received from my Spanish Colleague. The Spanish Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul-General, in transmitting to me General Jordana’s Memorandum of the results of our interview, points out that the proposition of the Spanish High Commissioner was, to increase Raisuli’s indemnification for property destroyed by the military, from Pesetas: 6,944.45 to Pesetas: 12,000.00, whereas it had been my impression that Pesetas 12,000.00 was to be added to the original amount of this item of Raisuli’s claim. It would seem impossible to question the good faith of the Spanish Commissioner in his statement as to his understanding of this agreement, and I am accordingly prepared to accept same. Consequently, the amount of the item in question of Raisuli’s claims, will be reduced from Pesetas: 18,944.45 to Pesetas: 12,000.00. The grand total of the claims will therefore be reduced in the sum of Pesetas: 6,944.45 and will stand at Pesetas: 503,805.75.

I am informed in the same communication that on June 4th, 1929, General Jordana transmitted our ad referendum agreement to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, General Direction of Morocco and Colonies, at Madrid.

From a trustworthy official source it has been intimated to me that the matter, now being in the hands of General Primo de Rivera,31a is not likely to receive any solution through subordinate authorities, in the Spanish Foreign Office, and it therefore will remain in abeyance until it receives the personal attention of the President of the Council.

I have [etc.]

Maxwell Blake
  1. Marqués de Estella, President of the Spanish Council of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs.