The Ambassador in Mexico (Morrow) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 9.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the Department’s telegram No. 407, dated June 28, 1929, 6 p.m.88 instructing the Embassy to request that the appropriate Federal authorities in Sonora be instructed not to insist upon the payment of taxes already paid by American citizens or firms, especially El Tigre Mining Company, Nacozari Railroad Company and the Moctezuma Copper Company, to persons exercising de facto authority during the recent insurrection, and to enclose herewith copy of a telegram dated July 1, 1929, 2 p.m., sent to the American Vice Consulate at Agua Prieta, Sonora,88 in reply to its telegram dated June 27, 1929, 6 p.m.88 on the same subject. The subject of the request by Federal authorities [Page 430] in Agua Prieta for payment by the three American companies mentioned above of taxes already paid to Mexican rebel forces when in control of the Agua Prieta district was taken up with the Chief of the Diplomatic Department of the Foreign Office. He informed the Embassy that some difficulty had been experienced with minor officials in the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit in giving them a proper understanding of the provisions of international law covering such cases. He stated that he thought that the matter was now perfectly understood by the officials of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit in Mexico City. With regard to the particular cases of El Tigre Mining Company, Nacozari Railroad Company and the Moctezuma Copper Company, he said that he would see that a telegram was sent to the appropriate authorities at Agua Prieta, giving the instructions requested by the Department.
I have [etc.]