
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Guaymas (Bursley)

Sir: The Department acknowledges the receipt of your despatch No. 466 of May 1, 1929,85 reporting that, in view of the probability of air raids by Federal forces, you displayed the American flag daily over your Consulate during the last three weeks of the recent revolution, and that you advised certain American citizens in Guaymas to display the flag until the Federals had regained control of that port. It is noted that you based your action and advice upon information indicating that a similar procedure had been observed during past revolutions and specifically upon a statement [Page 428] beginning at the foot of page 136, Volume 2 of Moore’s International Law Digest, reading as follows:

“The display of the flag, not as denoting extraterritorial jurisdiction, but as indicating the foreign ownership of the property covered thereby, has become so far a usage in countries liable to domestic disturbances as to warrant its convenient continuance.”

It is further noted that the display of the American flag by American-owned firms in Guaymas was followed by a general display of French, Spanish, German, Chinese and other flags, and that no objection was made thereto by Federal or rebel authorities.

In reply you are informed that your action as reported in your despatch meets with the Department’s approval.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
  1. Not printed.