812.00Sonora/531: Telegram

The Ambassador in Mexico (Morrow) to the Secretary of State

188. Yesterday afternoon I read the substance of your telegram 233, April 4, 5 p.m., to President Portes Gil. He stated that he had already communicated with General Calles with reference to extending consideration to any American prisoners. He had as yet received no word of any American prisoners that had been taken. The only employment of Americans by Federal army that they know about is that of …, referred to in my 163, March 27, 4 p.m.41 So far as enlistments of Americans in the Federal army are concerned, the Government has issued instructions to accept no such enlistments.

The substance of your 233 was also formally transmitted to the Department of Foreign Affairs yesterday afternoon. In our communication we made the request to be advised of any Americans that were in the employ of the Federal army.

  1. Not printed.