812.00Sonora/296: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Nogales (Damm)

Your March 12, 10 p.m. and March 13, 3 p.m.16 regarding revolutionary leaders and members of their families applying for immigration visas in order to escape from Mexico.

It is not desired that the territory of the United States should be used by persons fomenting revolution and uprisings against the lawfully constituted authorities of their government as a place of [Page 364] convenient refuge from which their activities may be conducted. It is therefore desired that special precaution should be taken by Consuls before issuing visas to persons promoting or assisting in the promotion of the uprising in Mexico with a view to determining whether such persons are coming to the United States for bona fide purposes, or primarily for the purpose of fomenting or assisting in fomenting from a place of security revolution in Mexico. In each case before granting immigration visas Consul must consider facts and circumstances, particularly whether applicant intends to settle permanently in the United States or is coming for a temporary stay therein, and determine whether applicant is entitled to be classified as an immigrant according to the provisions of Section III of the Act of 1924.18 Consul must also determine whether applicant is subject to exclusion upon the ground that he or she is likely to become a public charge or is subject to exclusion under some other provision of the immigration laws.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. 43 Stat. 153.