882.124A/1: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Wharton)

37. Department’s 34, September 17, 6 p.m. United States Public Health Service now advises that it will be able to assign one of its most experienced officers to Monrovia and that arrangements can be made for him to arrive in Monrovia on or about December 1. However, before issuing instructions to the officer in question the Public Health Service feels very strongly—and in this the Department wholly concurs—that it is essential to the successful prosecution of his task that terms of his employment and the scope of his authority be clearly defined in advance. Accordingly, the following memorandum agreement is suggested as appropriate in the circumstances:

  • “(1) A qualified sanitary and medical officer shall be nominated by the President of the United States to the President of Liberia and shall be appointed by the latter as Chief Medical Adviser to the Republic of Liberia. He will be directly responsible to the President of Liberia and shall be given full authority to make health investigations and surveys and to institute corrective sanitary measures supported by ample police and court authority.
  • (2) In view of the temporary nature of his employment, the Liberian Government agrees to pay him, aside from his regular salary which he will continue to receive from the United States Public Health Service, a post allowance in monthly installments at the rate of $3,000 per annum. The Liberian Government further agrees to furnish him with suitable quarters, or if he prefers, commutation in lieu thereof not to exceed the sum of $800 annually; to furnish suitable medical care and attendance; to reimburse him for actual travelling expenses incurred by him on official duty, and to pay his travelling expenses from his present post to Liberia and for his return to the United States upon termination of his employment in Liberia. He shall likewise be entitled to receive reasonable leaves of absence at full pay.
  • (3) A fund of $15,000 shall be made immediately available to him for preliminary surveys and studies and for instituting such corrective sanitary measures as he may deem advisable. Expenditures from this fund shall be made directly upon the sole authority of the Chief Medical Adviser without restriction except that he shall account for his expenditures directly to the President of Liberia.
  • (4) The Chief Medical Adviser shall draw up a report regarding health conditions in Liberia with his recommendations as to the permanent sanitary improvements and organization which conditions would appear to require, and the Liberian Government agrees that the measures so recommended will be undertaken and effected as early as practicable in so far as they may be economically feasible.
  • (5) This agreement shall remain in force for twelve months and should no notice of its termination be given within that period shall continue in force indefinitely subject to termination upon three months notice.”

In discussing this proposed memorandum agreement with the Liberian Government, you may bring the following observations to its attention in such form as may seem advisable:

The Liberian Government will readily appreciate the necessity of giving the Chief Medical Adviser complete authority and full cooperation in all matters relating to the suppression of yellow fever and the eradication of the sanitary conditions which have led to its appearance in Liberia if his undertaking is to be successful. Paragraphs 1 and 3 are based on this premise.
A second and corollary premise underlies paragraph 4, namely, that if the appointment of a Chief Medical Adviser is to accomplish the purpose for which it is intended assurance must be had that the sanitary measures and organization inaugurated by him will be put on a permanent basis and that full weight will be given by the Liberian Government to his recommendations for the future prosecution of this work. In this connection, it will be readily recognized that, if yellow fever is to be eradicated in Liberia, the Liberian Government must be prepared to make a substantial financial outlay for sanitary purposes every year.
The arrangements as to salary, allowances, et cetera, have in general been framed so as to assimilate the status of the Chief Medical Adviser to that enjoyed by the Financial Adviser as provided under the 1926 Loan Agreement.46
As was stated in the Department’s 15, July 9, 5 p.m., the Advisory Committee on Liberian Education is prepared if so desired to furnish funds for combating yellow fever in Liberia up to the sum of $7500 for the first year, thus leaving $7500 of the $15,000 provided for in Article 3 of the memorandum agreement to be furnished by the Liberian Government.
The officer whom the United States Public Health Service has recommended for the position is Dr. Howard F. Smith, now on duty at Palermo, Italy. Dr. Smith is 46 years of age, has been 16 years in the United States Public Health Service and is highly considered both professionally and personally. Upon receipt of information that the Liberian Government is agreeable to the proposed memorandum agreement he will be formally nominated to President King by President Hoover following which appropriate instructions will be sent to him to report to Monrovia.

Please cable reply with any comments which may seem appropriate.
