694.113Lumber/27: Telegram

The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State

31. Department’s telegram 22, March 22, 5 p.m. Called on Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and left with him following memorandum:

“In the bill to amend the tariff on lumber, kedar, a wood from continental Asia, appears to receive preferential treatment. This wood competes in the Japanese lumber market with woods of American origin upon which the proposed law imposes new or higher duties. Owing to the extent to which the Asiatic wood can be substituted for American lumber the proposed tariff would appear likely to constitute discrimination in fact against American products. It is hoped that American lumber products will not be placed on an unfavorable basis as compared with those of other countries.”

[Page 263]

The Department will note that no mention is made of spruce or cedar. Siberian kedar is the only wood in whose favor claim of discrimination could well be made. The Commercial Attaché’s office has already had two conferences with officials of Foreign Office. The Vice Minister took the memorandum and promised an investigation.
