711.9412Anti-War/85: Telegram
The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 28—4:48 a.m.]
15. My No. 14, February 26, 5 p.m. Baron Tanaka sent word to me late yesterday afternoon that he had nothing to add to what Mr. Yoshida had told me except that he would do the best he could to obtain ratification of the multilateral treaty at an early date. He could not say just when this would be possible because the Privy Council, upon whose advice the Emperor ratifies treaties, is jealous of its prerogatives and inclined to resent discussion of treaty by the Diet and would not take action while there were any interpellations on a treaty pending in the latter body. He could not say when the treaty could be brought before the Privy Council but in view of present conditions, although he would make every effort, he could not promise to obtain ratification before March [4].