838.00/2508: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell)
20. Your despatch March 14.4 The Department is of the opinion that Article 72 of the Haitian Constitution clearly renders President Borno ineligible for another election. The Department acquiesced in the constitutional amendments adopted last year upon this understanding.
As stated in Department’s 46, July 18, 1927,5 and subsequent telegrams, the Department believes that the best interests of Haiti require that one man shall not remain in the presidency more than eight years consecutively. While not unmindful of the remarkable achievements accomplished during President Borno’s administration and the splendid spirit of cooperation which the President has manifested toward the American Government and the treaty officials the Department cannot see its way to alter its position in this matter.
Please informally advise President Borno of the Department’s views calling attention to the assurance made by Minister Price on September 20, 1927, to the Department on behalf of President Borno6 that under no circumstances would President Borno be a candidate in 1930.
- No. 1383; not printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. iii, p. 59.↩
- Memorandum of conversation of September 20, 1927, not printed.↩