868.76/10: Telegram

The Chargé in Greece (Goold) to the Secretary of State

34. Your 20, April 29, 6 p.m. I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. Venizelos in reply to mine transmitting greetings of Mr. Skinner. The principal part states that the Minister of Communications informs him that he has already decided to give the concession to Marconi and that he cannot go back on his decision. As the decision must also be approved by a technical commission he adds that it is only in the event that this council has not approved the concession that the matter could be examined again and the proposals of the American concern taken into consideration.

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I learn from Akilloglou, Durham’s agent, that on Monday the Minister of Communications referred question to technical board which is expected to hand down decision in a few days. Today, however, fearing a few members adverse to Marconi, Minister ordered case to be presented to technical council of Ministry of Communications at six o’clock this afternoon.

I am sending note to Mr. Venizelos, who left Athens this morning for the five Easter holidays, requesting him to postpone further hearings before either commission until arrival of Mr. Durham. This letter will be handed to Mr. Tsibidaros, chief of the Prime Minister’s political bureau, who will be asked to communicate it to Mr. Venizelos.
